Thursday, March 6, 2014

Senate Blocks Bill To Overhaul Military Sex Assault Prosecutions

The Senate has voted to block a bill that would have removed the right for senior military commanders to deal with sexual assault reports within their ranks. To move the legislation forward they needed 60 votes but were only able to get a 55-45 vote. There were definitely people with opposing views in whether the officers should have more or less responsibility when it comes to these kind of issues in the military. 

This video shows the Senator Kirsten Gillibrand saying that the votes went in favor to keep letting military commanders keep deciding how to punish sexual assault. 

Many people argue that the responsibility of these military commanders cannot be taken away from them. According to Associated Press "The Pentagon's leadership vigorously opposed the measure, arguing that officers should have more responsibility, not less, for the conduct of the men and women they lead." 

Others believe that these kind on measures need to be taken to stop sexual assault from happening in the military. They argue that "Proponents of the bill insisted that far-reaching changes in the Uniform Code of Military Justice are necessary to curb a scourge of rapes and sexual assaults." That 
we owe them to protect them from from any harm. It has been a big issue for some time know and something needs to be done to guarantee that this does not keep happening.


  1. Josephine Guillen
    I think that it should not stay the same. When treating not only woman with sexual assault, but men as well. They should all have the equal opportunity to be reprimanded in the same way as people who are not in the service. This is something that I feel should be enforced because everyone should be treated equally and not any different.

  2. Alicia Macknoswky:
    I don't think that this way of handling sexual assault in the military should continue the way it is even though the Senate has voted against the change in the policy. Rape and sexual assault are already situations that are undermined and swept under the carpet but the devastation that affects the victim is life changing and traumatizing and these are cases that shouldn't be dictated by individuals within the military, they should be handled within the legal system like every other case.

  3. Iris Pegeron:
    I think that sexual assault is a very big issue not just in the military but with people everywhere. People in the military should have the same consequences than people who are not. If nothing is done to try and control it, then it will continue to always be a big issue. It is not fair for them to have this kind of problem, especially when they are working hard for our country.
