Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 11 Questions

Questions for the article “Transmedia Storytelling 101”

  • Why is transmedia storytelling important in digital convergence communication?

According to the article Transmedia storytelling is defined as “Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.” It is important to digital convergence communication because it allows you to tell a story using all kinds of media.

  • Why can the media business be beneficial more from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions?

Media business benefit from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions because it helps them to have their products advertised or promoted in all sorts of ways. That helps them attract more costumers.

  • How can transmedia storytelling be beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions?

Transmedia storytelling is beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions because it allows different kinds of audiences to be attracted to a particular show or movie. For example a television show might have a story line targeted towards small children and then another story line targeted towards women.

  • How can transmedia storytelling be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production?

Transmedia storytelling can be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production because the more ideas are contributed the better. Anything is better when you work collaboratively and share thoughts and ideas then when you work alone. The more opinions there are the better the product will be.

  • How does transmedia storytelling encourage the interactivity with the audience?

Transmedia storytelling encourages the interactivity within the audience because it allows all kinds of people to come together and share a common interest.

Questions for Podcasting

  • How does podcasting fit into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts?

Podcasting fits into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts because it can be used for various reasons. It is a voice recording that can give an explanation or tell a story for any kind of media or organization.

  • Why does the speaker say that podcasting extends message?

The speaker says that podcasting can extend the message because it is message that can be direct and right to the point. It can be long and can tell you things that other media can not.

  • How does podcasting encourage participation culture according to the speaker?

According to the speaker podcasting encourages participation culture because it lets the users voice their opinions in different ways. It lets them interact and it also helps make the original content better then before due to comments that are used for improvement.

  • What are the three critical elements of development for a successfully media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad? Why does podcasting have the three elements?

The three critical elements of development for a successful media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad are, making sure to keep updating and keep the audience engaged that way, make sure to listen to what the audience wants, and making sure you are staying interactive with your audience. Podcasting has these three elements because it helps enhance the audiences experience. They want to keep their fans not make them go away. They have to make sure they are giving their audience what they want.

  • How does the concept of digital media convergence get applied in podcasting when the speaker discusses the compounding media?

Podcasting applies to the concept of digital media convergence because a podcast can be shared an used on all kinds of devices. On phones, laptops, iPads, iPods, etc. It can also be used with any kind of media like pictures, videos, text, etc. Podcast's are mainly used on the internet which is what people are having more access to today. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Podcast Assignment - Rider Communications Department


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In Class Podcast Assignment


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Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 10 Articles

It's the Audience Stupid!

  • What is the new approach to storytelling and how is it being used to broaden audiences?

The new approach to storytelling is by writing more stories about global issues. This is used to broaden audiences because they found that there were more people interested in these kind of topics. Another lesson they are using is to not “dumb down” the writing for their audience. Not doing that prevents from the audience being insulted in any way.

  • How is digital media being used to engage audiences?

Digital media is being used to engage audiences because digital media makes it possible for people to have easier and faster to access to news. This gives people the chance to be informed at any time and moment that they want. Media convergence also helps the authors who are writing these stories. Like it says in the article “We can call on their expertise; we can facilitate international debate; we can use crowd sourcing techniques to have them participate in deciding which stories to cover.” This gives the authors to know what the audience wants and provide it for them as effectively as possible.

  • Give three specific examples of how you can incorporate storytelling into an article you write?

One way to incorporate storytelling into an article you write is by using real life examples. Like talking about your own experience and other individuals experiences as well. Another way is to use examples that could relate to your audience. Lastly it is a good idea to simply be entertaining when you write your article. People do not want to read a plain boring article. They want to read something entertaining that they can relate too.

All the Aggregation That's Fit to Aggregate

  • What does aggregation mean?

In the article aggregation is defined in two ways. The first definition is “smart people sharing their reading lists, plugging one another into the bounty of the information universe.” This definition basically refers to people sharing their ideas, thoughts, and projects with each other. The second definition is “taking words written by other people, packaging them on your own Web site and harvesting revenue that might otherwise be directed to the originators of the material.” Basically what we would consider as piracy.

  • Why does the author describe Arianna Huffington as “the queen of aggregation?” Go to the Huffington Post and provide an example.

Arianna Huffington is described as the “queen of aggregation” because she is a blogger who has used unique ideas to make her blog popular and attractive to large audiences. In the article she is described as the person “who has discovered that if you take celebrity gossip, adorable kitten videos, posts from unpaid bloggers and news reports from other publications, array them on your Web site and add a left-wing soundtrack, millions of people will come.”

  • Is aggregation a threat to professional journalism? Why or why not?

The article states that it can sometimes be hard to determine what attracts more people to read the Huffington Post. If it the more serious stuff or the entertaining stuff. They do not think that it will hurt professional journalism in any way but they hope that it will only help it in a positive way.

Photojournalism in the Age of New Media

A professional journalist receives a photo captured by a citizen journalist….

  • What are the positives?

The positives of getting a photo captured by a citizen are first you don’t have to worry about taking a picture anymore and second of all a picture captured by a citizen has more of a sense of the real experience. If a reporter takes a picture from the outside of a scene it will be much different then a picture taken by a citizen from inside the scene. This allows viewers to understand the situation better.

  • Why does the professional journalist need to be careful?

The professional journalist needs to be careful because they need to make sure that the photo is really coming from the source they are getting it from. They have to make sure it is really their photo to avoid copyright issues.

  • Why might the content of the photo be called into question?

The content of the photo might be questionable because it needs to be proved that the photo is real and that it is not photo shopped.

  • How does citizen photojournalist impact the job of the professional photojournalist?

Citizen photojournalists impact professional photojournalist because it is easier for citizens to get more photos from inside a scene and post them online faster and easier then it would be for a reporter who might not be able to get inside a scene. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Questions for the article "YouTube"

  • How does the interaction online become the key for YouTube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.

What works so well for YouTube is the fact that they are a site free of charge. People can share and view videos made by other users all for free. Most of the YouTube audience comes from the more younger audience. This is because young people enjoy free entertainment on the internet so much.

  • The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers of YouTube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of YouTube in youth?

According to the article young teens love using YouTube so much because to about 44% of teens it is the best source of entertainment for them then any other online source. Other teenagers join just so they comment their opinions on videos. Another portion of teen join so they can post up their own videos and create their own customized pages. According to the article they found that 79 percent of teens go on YouTube to be entertained, 71 percent to pass time, 61 percent to watch videos, 56 percent to see what others are talking about, and 53 percent go on to follow up recommendations from friends. As you can see most teens go on YouTube for a source of entertainment.

  • How does YouTube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?

YouTube is different then other online sources because “it provides a lens to understand specific mechanisms that attract youth to collaborate and produce creative, self-expressive, and self-initiated media products,” like it is defined in the article. In other words YouTube uses unique techniques unlike other sources to attract and entertain the younger audience.

  • What is the next step for YouTube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.

The next step for YouTube development is having new designs that will attract young media creators. They want to use participatory culture to invite and motivate youth producers. This idea will not only bring in all the people who use to watch videos and comment on them but it will bring in more people who want to make videos and put them on YouTube. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 7 Blog

Social Media Use is Soaring-- Time to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy

  • What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?

What I learned from the growing trends in the use of social media is that there are more people now then ever connecting to the internet for longer periods of time. According to the article the use of mobile apps went up 85% from last year. I also learned that even though there are more people on sites like Pinterest, Google Plus, and Twitter, Facebook remains the dominant one that people use the most. I also learned two weird facts from the trends they found. One was that nearly 1/3 of those ages 18-24 social network in the bathroom. Two 76% percent of social users feel more positive after their social networking experience.

  • What takeaways do you see from the data?

The takeaways that I see from the data are that there are more people using their phones and apps to access any kind of social media, and the use of social media of any kind has been growing. Also people are using social media on multiple devices at one time.

Technology & Internet: 10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know

  • How does businesses use social media?

When they are on the internet they let other people review them. A lot of their customers depend on review other people give them. So If businesses are on the internet and people like them then they will have bigger and better exposure. Also having a presence on the internet lets potential customers know that your company is real and lets them what it is all about.

  • Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?”

I was surprised to read that social media is not just for the young and frivolous. People my age grew up with this technology and is everything they cannot live with out. On the then hand my parents and older family do not ever use the internet or have a hard time using it when they do. This is why I was surprised to find out that there are older people using the internet as much as us young folks.

  • Describe some of the things that “social media IS?”

Some of the things that social media is the fastest growing and most accessed media on the internet. It is also a place where people can be seen. Through all of these media sites almost anyone can find you on the internet. Social media is also free. Which is a big reason why people are on it so much.

  • What are the takeaways for businesses from this article?

From reading this article I would say that business have to use social media to their advantage. It is completely free and it is a way to let people know about them. Also today people use the internet and social media more then ever before. People are constantly on social media and if businesses use it they will give themselves more exposure.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Senate Blocks Bill To Overhaul Military Sex Assault Prosecutions

The Senate has voted to block a bill that would have removed the right for senior military commanders to deal with sexual assault reports within their ranks. To move the legislation forward they needed 60 votes but were only able to get a 55-45 vote. There were definitely people with opposing views in whether the officers should have more or less responsibility when it comes to these kind of issues in the military. 

This video shows the Senator Kirsten Gillibrand saying that the votes went in favor to keep letting military commanders keep deciding how to punish sexual assault. 

Many people argue that the responsibility of these military commanders cannot be taken away from them. According to Associated Press "The Pentagon's leadership vigorously opposed the measure, arguing that officers should have more responsibility, not less, for the conduct of the men and women they lead." 

Others believe that these kind on measures need to be taken to stop sexual assault from happening in the military. They argue that "Proponents of the bill insisted that far-reaching changes in the Uniform Code of Military Justice are necessary to curb a scourge of rapes and sexual assaults." That 
we owe them to protect them from from any harm. It has been a big issue for some time know and something needs to be done to guarantee that this does not keep happening.