Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 11 Questions

Questions for the article “Transmedia Storytelling 101”

  • Why is transmedia storytelling important in digital convergence communication?

According to the article Transmedia storytelling is defined as “Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.” It is important to digital convergence communication because it allows you to tell a story using all kinds of media.

  • Why can the media business be beneficial more from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions?

Media business benefit from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions because it helps them to have their products advertised or promoted in all sorts of ways. That helps them attract more costumers.

  • How can transmedia storytelling be beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions?

Transmedia storytelling is beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions because it allows different kinds of audiences to be attracted to a particular show or movie. For example a television show might have a story line targeted towards small children and then another story line targeted towards women.

  • How can transmedia storytelling be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production?

Transmedia storytelling can be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production because the more ideas are contributed the better. Anything is better when you work collaboratively and share thoughts and ideas then when you work alone. The more opinions there are the better the product will be.

  • How does transmedia storytelling encourage the interactivity with the audience?

Transmedia storytelling encourages the interactivity within the audience because it allows all kinds of people to come together and share a common interest.

Questions for Podcasting

  • How does podcasting fit into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts?

Podcasting fits into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts because it can be used for various reasons. It is a voice recording that can give an explanation or tell a story for any kind of media or organization.

  • Why does the speaker say that podcasting extends message?

The speaker says that podcasting can extend the message because it is message that can be direct and right to the point. It can be long and can tell you things that other media can not.

  • How does podcasting encourage participation culture according to the speaker?

According to the speaker podcasting encourages participation culture because it lets the users voice their opinions in different ways. It lets them interact and it also helps make the original content better then before due to comments that are used for improvement.

  • What are the three critical elements of development for a successfully media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad? Why does podcasting have the three elements?

The three critical elements of development for a successful media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad are, making sure to keep updating and keep the audience engaged that way, make sure to listen to what the audience wants, and making sure you are staying interactive with your audience. Podcasting has these three elements because it helps enhance the audiences experience. They want to keep their fans not make them go away. They have to make sure they are giving their audience what they want.

  • How does the concept of digital media convergence get applied in podcasting when the speaker discusses the compounding media?

Podcasting applies to the concept of digital media convergence because a podcast can be shared an used on all kinds of devices. On phones, laptops, iPads, iPods, etc. It can also be used with any kind of media like pictures, videos, text, etc. Podcast's are mainly used on the internet which is what people are having more access to today. 

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