Friday, April 4, 2014

Questions for the article "YouTube"

  • How does the interaction online become the key for YouTube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.

What works so well for YouTube is the fact that they are a site free of charge. People can share and view videos made by other users all for free. Most of the YouTube audience comes from the more younger audience. This is because young people enjoy free entertainment on the internet so much.

  • The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers of YouTube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of YouTube in youth?

According to the article young teens love using YouTube so much because to about 44% of teens it is the best source of entertainment for them then any other online source. Other teenagers join just so they comment their opinions on videos. Another portion of teen join so they can post up their own videos and create their own customized pages. According to the article they found that 79 percent of teens go on YouTube to be entertained, 71 percent to pass time, 61 percent to watch videos, 56 percent to see what others are talking about, and 53 percent go on to follow up recommendations from friends. As you can see most teens go on YouTube for a source of entertainment.

  • How does YouTube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?

YouTube is different then other online sources because “it provides a lens to understand specific mechanisms that attract youth to collaborate and produce creative, self-expressive, and self-initiated media products,” like it is defined in the article. In other words YouTube uses unique techniques unlike other sources to attract and entertain the younger audience.

  • What is the next step for YouTube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.

The next step for YouTube development is having new designs that will attract young media creators. They want to use participatory culture to invite and motivate youth producers. This idea will not only bring in all the people who use to watch videos and comment on them but it will bring in more people who want to make videos and put them on YouTube. 

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