Friday, March 28, 2014

Week 7 Blog

Social Media Use is Soaring-- Time to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy

  • What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?

What I learned from the growing trends in the use of social media is that there are more people now then ever connecting to the internet for longer periods of time. According to the article the use of mobile apps went up 85% from last year. I also learned that even though there are more people on sites like Pinterest, Google Plus, and Twitter, Facebook remains the dominant one that people use the most. I also learned two weird facts from the trends they found. One was that nearly 1/3 of those ages 18-24 social network in the bathroom. Two 76% percent of social users feel more positive after their social networking experience.

  • What takeaways do you see from the data?

The takeaways that I see from the data are that there are more people using their phones and apps to access any kind of social media, and the use of social media of any kind has been growing. Also people are using social media on multiple devices at one time.

Technology & Internet: 10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know

  • How does businesses use social media?

When they are on the internet they let other people review them. A lot of their customers depend on review other people give them. So If businesses are on the internet and people like them then they will have bigger and better exposure. Also having a presence on the internet lets potential customers know that your company is real and lets them what it is all about.

  • Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?”

I was surprised to read that social media is not just for the young and frivolous. People my age grew up with this technology and is everything they cannot live with out. On the then hand my parents and older family do not ever use the internet or have a hard time using it when they do. This is why I was surprised to find out that there are older people using the internet as much as us young folks.

  • Describe some of the things that “social media IS?”

Some of the things that social media is the fastest growing and most accessed media on the internet. It is also a place where people can be seen. Through all of these media sites almost anyone can find you on the internet. Social media is also free. Which is a big reason why people are on it so much.

  • What are the takeaways for businesses from this article?

From reading this article I would say that business have to use social media to their advantage. It is completely free and it is a way to let people know about them. Also today people use the internet and social media more then ever before. People are constantly on social media and if businesses use it they will give themselves more exposure.

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